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              "The advertisements are the most truthful part of a newspaper." 
                                 (Thomas Jefferson; 3. president of the US)

Friday, December 22, 2006

NewsAddi wishes everyone a Happy New Year

Friday, December 08, 2006

News | The launch of Discovery

Newsaddi waited for the first scheduled launch yesterday night but at 5 minutes the weather was still at "red" and the management put the lauch on hold. We are still waiting! There is news about a 30% probability for launch. And still is it the weather. Click on and get the latest news and see the "countdown 101" live.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

News at 16 min to launch

The space crew is standing by for a further weather report. The "Countdown 101" is still at 9 min. There is big clouds that are the problem. Still waiting for a possitive weather condition. The weather is on "Red".

News | launch at "countdown 101": 9 min.

The "Countdown 101" stopped at 20 minutes where as the where some general checks that had to go through.
Further after these 20 min. of hold the "Countdown 101" stopped once again at 9 minutes. The weather conditions are good but the procedures are stopping the countdown.

The second countdown clock is still counting at, the moment, 42 min when the "countdown 101" stopped at 9 minutes.

Why are there 2 countdown clocks? click here and get directed to NASA´s explanation.

Still everything seems to go as scheduled! NewsAddi still waits for further news.

LIVE | direct with NASA

Download these mediaplayers to watch the launch:

Getting ready to be launched into space

The space shuttle "Discovery" is to be launched at 9:35 pm EST on the 7th of December. But there where some information about a delay because of weather conditions.

Direct from Nasa webpage reagarding weather:
"5:19 p.m. - Kathy Winters, launch weather officer, has given Launch Director Mike Leinbach the latest weather briefing. The winds have "gone red" -- out of limits -- but, in her words, they are only "bumping the constraint" and it is still possible that our weather could be clear enough to allow for launch later this evening."

But regarding the NASA webpage, the astronauts are getting to their seats inside the space shattle and getting ready for launch. For this mission the astronauts are seven and will continue the construction on the International Space Station. Regarding NASA this mission is to rewiring the orbiting laboratory and will be adding a segement to its integrated truss structure. This is the 33rd mission for Discovery and has flown 117 times in to space.

Direct from Nasa webpage:
>>Until launch: 2:35:18<<
"There are no technical concerns being addressed with Space Shuttle Discovery. The vehicle, crew and the mission's payloads are ready to fly."

This is the first time a swedish astronaut is in space and the swedish population is gettin ready infront of the computer to look at the launch of Discovery space shattle.

Get ready for take of! 10,9,8,7,6...
(click here to read more)

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

France 24 | First Broadcast

The new international channel France 24 is in the air at the moment. By go to you are able to get connected. The whole website of France 24 is only to be seen as on your TV screen. You can, though choose from watching the channel in French, English or in Arabic. The Arabic version of F24 is not reachable at the moment but the other languages you are able to watch. Have a look and give your own oppinion on their first broadcast.Their full version of the website is to be fully created and seen on the 7th of December at 8:30 pm (+1).

  • Tuesday, December 05, 2006 | "Dönsk birtingarhús mæla ekki lengur með fríblöðum"

    "Dönsk birtingarhús mæla ekki lengur með því við auglýsendur að þeir auglýsi í fríblöðunum þremur, sem borin eru í hús Danmörku að sögn viðskiptavefjar Berlingske Tidene. Segir blaðið ástæðuna þá að hvorki lestrartölur né dreifing hafi verið í samræmi við loforð útgefanda fríblaðanna...(Click to read article at The article is in icelandic)

    Meira um vinstrimanninn, Ségoléne Royal, og hægri flokkinn UMP (Michéle Alliot-Marie)

    Það sem bloggari fékk að vita um helgina er að hún Ségoléne Royal, forsetaframbjóðnadi PS, er ekki eins og margir halda. Hún er ekki á móti samkynhneigðum "brúðkaupum" en hefur sagt í viðtölum áður, að það sé alveg sjálfsagt að þeir sem samkynhnegðir eru fengju þann kost að "gifta" sig. En það kemur núna fram, þegar hún er nú í framboði sem forsetaefni, að hún sé á móti því. Það hefur þau áhrif á hana að hún sé "tvöföld" en það er bara útaf því að það eru svo margir sem eru verulega gagnrýnir á samkynhneigð "brúðkaup", þá sérstaklega káþólíkar. Ég skil hana vel að hún verði að vera á móti eitthverju svo hún geti náð sæti forseta en svo breytt stefnu og sagst ekki vera á móti. En þannig er pólitíkin, er það ekki?

    Annað sem ég frétti um helgina er að hún Michèle Alliot-Marie (MAM), varnamálaráðherra frakka, ætli að bjóða sig fram á móti M. Sarkozy þann 5. janúar en þá fara fram kosningar vegna forsetaframboð hægri flokksins UMP. Hún og Sarkozy eiga mjög gott og náið samstarf innan flokksins síns og þetta á víst að hjálpa Sarkozy, er sagt. En það verður skemmtilegt að sjá hvort þetta muni hjálpa honum. Það er nefnilega sagt að hann er einn þeirra sem vilja völd og vilja forseta sem er valda mikill. En það er skrítið, þó að MAM og Sarkozy eiga gott samstarf þá er skoðun þeirra varðandi völd forseta þverólík. MAM vill að forseti verði eins og forseti Íslands, sem sagt forseti fólksins, án valdsins sem hann er með núna. Það verður þá gott að sjá hver niðurstaða kosningana verða þann 5. janúar.

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